segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

Call for Papers. Eksperimenta! IDEAlaboratories

IDEAlaboratories is a programme for integrating contemporary art andeducation, which will take place during the Contemporary Art Triennial for School Students Eksperimenta! from 28th until 30th of April 2011, in Tallinn, Estonia.

IDEAlaboratories will consist of two parallel programmes, which will partly merge: a programme for the art educators and a programme for the school students in the age of 14 19. IDEAlaboratories will bring together art education experts, researchers, practitioners and school students.

We are looking for intriguing and inspiring presentations / workshops, which would lead to a better understanding of the essence of contemporary art and would contribute to integrating / translating contemporary art into the art teaching process. As we highly value in-depth presentations which interact with the audience, so we have planned the length of the presentations to be 45 60 minutes and the workshops 60 90 minutes.


Researchers and practitioners in the visual arts and art education are invited to submit abstracts for peer-reviewed papers, presentations and practical workshops within the themes and sub-themes:

PROPOSED IDEAlaboratories 28 - 30th of April 2011 PROGRAMME - Key themes:
28th of April The Art of Thinking: how to support and develop creative and critical thinking. Conceptual art, idea as art. The end of art work as an object. Fading of the borders between art forms.
29th of April The Art of Looking: new media and visual environment. Art as a reflector of society, creator of connections. 30th of April The Art of Creating: how the above mentioned are combined to
reach a practical output in the creative process. The best practices from practitioners to practitioners.

Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (excluding bibliography) and should be submitted under one of the key themes listed above. Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract under different
themes. All abstracts will be reviewed and may be moved into a different theme if needed. Once you have submitted you cannot make modifications. Abstracts must be submitted on the given submission form (please find in the attachment), correspondingly the form of display (presentation or workshop) and target group (teachers, school students or both together) must be chosen using following code (Appendix 1 in the attachment).

The abstracts of workshops must include the list of necessary tools, materials etc.

Deadline for abstract submissions: 10th of November 2010
Notification of acceptance: 10th of December 2010
Deadline for full papers for peer-review and publication: 20th of January 2011

Please send the abstracts to the e-mail address:

The Contemporary Art Triennial for School Students Eksperimenta! is a unique art event which challenges art education to break out from the class room and creatively interact with contemporary life and society.The main topic of Eksperimenta! Space will bring together the curators' interpretations about space from city space to image space, from geopolitics to psycho-geography, from more than a dozen countries. But the authors of the art work are not professionals, but young people in the age
of 14 19.

See more:;

Eksperimenta! Challenging creativity
Tallinn 26th April - 14th June 2011 <>

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