Terrorismo poético: ação realizada em Londres, em janeiro de 2009.
A falta de lixeiras nas estações de metrô de Londres fazem destes espaços públicos algo sujo e feio. O medo de bombas e ataques terroristas é uma obsessão que faz com que os Londrinos não enxerguem a verdadeira bomba: a sujeira com a qual eles se acostumaram a conviver.
Poetic Terrorism: Action held in London in January 2009.
The lack of trashcans in subway stations in London make these public spaces look dirty and ugly. The fear of bombs and terrorist attacks is an obsession that makes the Londoners not see the real bombshell: the dirt with which they are used to living.
Poetic Terrorism: Action held in London in January 2009.
The lack of trashcans in subway stations in London make these public spaces look dirty and ugly. The fear of bombs and terrorist attacks is an obsession that makes the Londoners not see the real bombshell: the dirt with which they are used to living.
Fantastico!!!!!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!!!!!! Obrigada Estevao!!!