SEVEN X 11: ART FOR ART (inscrições até 17 de julho!)
Chamada para trabalhos | Call for Artwork
Em celebração pela inauguração do nosso novo prédio em julho de 2011 (7/11), você está convidado a participar da Sete x 11: Arte pela Arte. Esta exposição no estilo salão é aberta a artistas de todos os níveis e idades. Sua contribuição de um a dez pequenos trabalhos o qualificará a ser um dos primeiros artistas a expor na nova UICA. Os trabalhos doados serão parte de uma exposição de cinco semanas na proeminente Race Street Gallery. O dinheiro obtido com a venda dos trabalhos será revertido em um fundo para bolsas e cachês de artistas emergentes participantes de nosso nacionalmente reconhecido programa para jovens, o ArtWorks.
In celebration of our building opening in July 2011 (7/11), you are invited to participate in Seven x 11: Art for Art. This salon-style exhibition/fundraiser is open to artists of all skill level and age. Your contribution of one to ten small works will qualify you to be one of the first artists to exhibit at the new UICA. Donated work(s) will be part of a five-week exhibition in the prominent Race Street Gallery. Proceeds from art sales will fund emerging artist honorariums and scholarships for our nationally recognized youth program, ArtWorks.
We are seeking work by regional, national and international artists and designers. All media are welcomed, but the work must be on good quality paper. Our goal is to present 1,000 creative works and to raise $25,000. Each piece will be displayed anonymously and will go on sale to the public in July 2011. All artwork, including sold works, will remain on display through the duration of the exhibition and will remain the property of UICA regardless of sale. UICA’s curatorial team reserves the right to reject any artwork that it seems inappropriate or does not meet the requirements for this exhibition.
Ficha de inscrição | Subscription form
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